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发布时间: 2016-04-22  点击次数: 516次
  1. SEL-735常见问题解答

Power Quality and Revenue Meter

The SEL-735 Power Quality and Revenue Meter passes accuracy requirements three times more stringent than the ANSI C12.20 Accuracy Class 0.2 standard. Advanced load profile trending, compatible with Itron MV-90, IEC 61850, DNP3, and Modbus protocols, ensures integration with practically any billing system. In addition to a full set of revenue metering features, advanced power quality monitoring will report costly system disturbances.

Enhance the capabilities of SEL meters with acSELerator Meter Reports Software. Meter Reports allows you to optimize your system by analyzing data, identifying usage trends, and diagnosing system problems.

Synchrophasor capability is now standard in all SEL-735 models equipped with an Ethernet port. Improve system visualization with fast, real-time synchrophasor data for diagnostic, modeling, and control applications. For more information on the latest features and FAQs



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